A peek behind the curtains of making the dressing room mural for The Getup. From projection to pencil, paint, tape, and marker (also a touch of metallic gouache that no one will prolly see, but I know it's there). More here: https://jeremywheeler.com/the-getup-mural
Dynamic Design: The Wild World of Japanese Movie Posters Talk #03 - Ignite Ann Arbor #7 - October 25, 2012 Recorded at Blau Auditorium, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI Video produced by Roger Rayle, rmrayle@gmail.com for Ignite Ann Arbor This material is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
A look at the making of this Godzilla-inspired piece that started as an ink wash in a sketchbook and ended up a 4-color screaming screenprint. From pencils to ink wash to print. Print and Art available at www.thisisbangmedia.com Printed by www.vgkids.com
The making of Form & Void screenprint inspired by True Detective Season One. Drawn in 24 hours. Printed by VGKIDS. Displayed at Bottleneck Gallery's When the Lights Go Out 2 show. See more Bang! Media Process Videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqhL7qQAajHjx1gPcvqz9VJNxR1GDawXO http://thisisbangmedia.com/
The Anatomy of the Super Go-Go Bang! Poster.
Process video for the print made for Bottleneck Gallery inspired by the Animatrix short film, The Second Renaissance Pts. 1 & 2. Detailing the rise of the robot revolution, this politically-charged anime continues to stay current years later.
Process behind making the art for Blue Snaggletooth's "Beyond Thule" gatefold LP. From pencils to inks to colors to silkscreen. http://thisisbangmedia.com/ http://www.bluesnaggletoothmusic.com/
Process video on the making of CONTRA, an 18"x24" hand-embellished silkscreen homage to Konami's Nintendo game for Bottleneck Gallery's 8-Bit & Beyond 2 art show on August 8th, 2014 in Brooklyn, NYC. Printed by VGKIDS. Beats by Wheeler.
A look at the making of FrightFest Originals Evil Dead II screenprint. Prints for sale here: http://www.frightfestoriginals.com/
Making-of Death Race 2000 poster for Hero Complex Gallery & Trailers From Hell's KINGS OF CULT: AN ART TRIBUTE TO ROGER CORMAN & JOE DANTE. Silkscreen printing by VGKIDS.
Inside look at the making of the "War on Hell" art based on the worlds of Mike Mignola's Hellboy and BPRD comic series. Original art made for the Ka-Pow! Poster print release - ink washes added for Hero Complex Gallery's official Hellboy 20th Anniversary Art Show.
Process video on the art and print for Hero Complex Gallery's "King For a Day" Art Show dedicated to the works of Stephen King. 3-color blacklight silkscreen printed by VG Kids (https://www.vgkids.com/). http://www.herocomplexgallery.com/
Behind-the-scenes look at the art behind FrightFest Original's THEY LIVE poster, part of their John Carpenter print series.
Process video on the art and print for Hero Complex Gallery's "IMAGINED WORLDS; The Imagined Worlds of del Toro, Gilliam, Kubrick, Lynch & Scott" Show. Silkscreen metallic ink on black paper by VG Kids (https://www.vgkids.com/). http://www.herocomplexgallery.com/
A year-end retrospective for 2013. Posters, spot illustrations and freelance projects included.
Inside look at the making of Ka-Pow! Posters' print "War on Hell" based on the worlds of Mike Mignola's Hellboy and BPRD comic series. http://kapowposters.com/
Printed by VG Kids, this John Carpenter tribute 12"x12" silkscreen poster is printed with blacklight inks and glows in the dark. Sales from the limited edition charity print will go to the Humane Society of America.